Wednesday, July 13, 2011

New Relationship advice- Christian please :)?

Ok here is my two cents. I am christian and an Army wife. Having good communication is essential in any new relationship but more so in a military one. Being in the military means giving up a lot. Having one place to call home, being able to visit family when ever you want are things that are almost non existent. I have known lots of military wives who's marriages have failed because they did not want to come off as being needy. You need to tell him what you are feeling and why you are feeling like this. Also little arguments will become big very soon. Right before my husband deployed we had the most stupid fight I do not even remember what the fight was about because it was that stupid. What I really was saying was that I was scared that he was going away (Side note here My dad had just died a month before he left). I was worried that something was going to happen to him and I was protecting myself for when he left so it was not so hard. A wonderful book that is christian and is all about relationships is called "The Five Love Languages" By Gary Chapman. It explains that everyone has a different "love Language" and it is important to know your spouses love language in order to better let them know you love them and you are there for them. Being Christian is not easy nor is being a military spouse. It is possible though if you have a good starting point. I would say buy this book for the both of you. you can each go through it and then come together at the end. I hope this helps and god bless both of you.

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